Sunday, July 4, 2010

Too late once again...

Must be brief, by the time I read email, FB entries and Jer and Liz's blogs, its really late. Looking for ways to enjoy 'community' and meaningful, honest conversation with others. There are things about the day prompting this, but mostly about my station in life. I am reading "Four Hour Work Week", per Jonathan's recommendation, "Heaven", Exodus and Matthew, Dave Ramsey's latest book on finances, as well as my usual recipes for this and that, newspaper, magazine on gardening - trying to learn how to start a compost pile (without poop, if I can manage it). Really wanting to make changes in my life and honestly not knowing what direction to head in. I have and continue to make my husband and children priority in my life, willingly setting other things aside to spend time with them or serve them as needed. I truly enjoy them and have had some good times of late - evening out with Bob and Jonny, cooking and enjoying time with two of Jonathan's friends this past week, visiting with Danielle and Haven this afternoon- but things are shifting, have shifted. I must embrace change, not mourn it, and find good and satisfaction from life as God is good, very good. Yet, recognizing need for change can be the beginning of an exciting new adventure...
Will keep you posted... pun intended.


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