Monday, June 13, 2011

Time for change

I don't forsee this being the way in which I will continue writing- once or twice a year isn't much to follow. But until I establish a better forum, which I am exploring, I will express my need to write here. It feels like a need, guess its more of a desire, but its quite compelling. I don't necessarily think I have anything more important to say than anyone else, just needs to be said in written words. Ha! Can't use the expression -on paper. Written, hardly seems to be appropriate for typed on a computer screen. I've been enjoying some of my favorite young people's writings lately. My son, Jeromie. My daughter-in-law, Liz. And my son Jonathan's friend Christopher Boone- writing of his adventures with Jonathan in Panama. Quite a story teller!
As I flesh out this writing thing, be it a blog, stories or... not sure yet. Just need to commit to it and get it down. Share it and see where it leads. So... as unread as this site really is, and rarely written in- this is just sort of an accountability to self statement. More later...


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